Awareness is key to creating the changes we would like to see in the world.
To become aware, we first need to lift the veils of our unknowingness, our denial.
This can be an uncomfortable process as we realize
things may not actually have been/are what we wanted or believed them to be.
There is often a time of disbelief, followed by disillusionment and fear as the foundations of our
world view is shaken.
With compassionate support, we continue to open our eyes
allowing our awareness to continue to open.
These realizations may bring grief.
We grieve what was.
We grieve what we thought was true but is no longer.
We grieve the time, energy, commitment to the part we played in the unknowingness.
Eventually we come to accept what is
and begin a process of forgiveness towards
the unconscious behaviors of those who upended our world and convinced us of our illusions.
Choosing to open our eyes to ‘what is’ is the first step towards creating
In society, there are usually those individuals who see things before others.
Some call them sentinels.
They are often ostracized for speaking out.
It requires courage on their part to persist.
Who are the sentinels of our time?
What are they attempting to share with us?
Are we willing to see ?